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Okay listen, this is important.

After the Soviet Union imploded, Gorbachev handed the reins of Russia over to Boris Yeltsin. The most important things you need to know about Yeltsin is that he was a dupe, a drunk, and hilariously corrupt.

Yeltsin oversaw the transformation of Russia into an actual oligarchy. He wasn't smart or cunning enough to install himself as the head of this new order, but his chosen successor, Putin, was.

What I'm saying is, trump wants to be Putin, but he is Yeltsin.


In practice, this means that trump is dumb enough to start America's transformation into an out and out oligarchy, but he won't be the one to actually run things. He has neither the cunning, the stamina, nor the discipline to pull that off.

I don't know who our dictator for life is going to be. But what I do know is that it'll be somebody far, far worse.

History doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme.


@Legit_Spaghetti Again, it just might be Putin.


@Legit_Spaghetti America is already a Plutocracy & that’s why it’s unlikely to become an Oligarchy. Yeah there’ll be additions & change of focus of the Plutocrats but ultimately once they realise the status quo preserves their wealth & influence it’ll settle down. It’s all a distraction, making people believe their vote has meaningful impact. It’s an inevitability of capitalism, at its core it’s at odds with democracy. Best answer, reduce influence & impact of the State.

Kid Mania

@RFarq @Legit_Spaghetti
Much of the horror on Terra comes from preserving the Status Quo.
But we live in weird times. Oligarchy may serve them better. for your consideration:
❝These billionaires WILL fucking kill you, to keep doing capitalism on a boiling planet. They're installing fascism so you don't have a choice, they're controlling police states because they mean to preserve their world order, with violence--that's actually why security forces exist, everywhere...❞
- AnarchoNinaWrites


@brad @Reshirams_Rad_Slam I do worry about Thiel. He's all kinds of dangerous.


@Vallerry I could see him making a play for sure. He's enough of a rat bastard to try.


@Legit_Spaghetti Who then, will be putin.

noarn chornsky

@Legit_Spaghetti @FinalOverdrive gorbachev didn't hand anything over to yeltsin, yeltsin was president of the russian sfsr prior to the collapse of the ussr, and was instrumental in dissolving the ussr despite gorbachev's wishes. gorbachev did nothing but accept that he was ousted

Quiet public

@beka_valentine @Legit_Spaghetti @FinalOverdrive America knew who Yeltsin was, but by that stage their priority was just to get rid of Communism, so when Gorbachev requested aid from the West to restructure the economy, America refused and backed Yeltsin instead. Gorbachev then had to fall back on the support of hardliners in his Party.

Don't forget Yeltsin's coup, when he sent tanks to close Parliament after they told him to step down. He also started the first war in Chechnya.

James Cat

@Legit_Spaghetti the USA was very much involved with the installation of Putin