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Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Be civil: don't flame, harass, doxx, or dogpile. When disagreeing with others, don't resort to name calling or bad faith arguments.
Be decent: don't post obscene or offensive content such as porn, gore, or sexualization of minors. Anything potentially shocking should be put behind adequate content warnings
Be woke: don't post bigoted content and don't glorify or advocate for violence
Be law-abiding: don't post any content illegal under US laws such as copyrighted material
Be a good neighbor: don't cause trouble with Reddit or other Fediverse instances
Be honest: don't post deliberate misinformation unless it's really funny like convincing someone to eat the stickers on fruit
Don't spam: treat the Fediverse as a place for conversation, not a captive audience
Other: Feel free to report content that doesn't violate the letter of the rules, and please understand that mods may take action even when content doesn't break the letter of the rules